Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st Health Glutathione Capsule
225mg Glutathione, 100mg Vit C, 50mg Vit E, 25mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid (400mg/capsule)
G for GLAMOROUS! Made to bring to light the beauty of whiter, clearer skin tone our gluta capsules is proven to diminish the appearance of skin imperfections. Skin texture and tone is noticeably enhanced with regular intake. Dark spots, blemishes and other stains will be covered with new, silk smooth, whiter complexion.
G for GOOD HEALTH! Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful anti-oxidant. Cells in the body generate by-products called free radicals that cause cellular damage when traveling through the body. Glutathione protects key cell components from damage by neutralizing these free radicals.
Glutathione serves in:
DNA Synthesis and Repair helps prevent cancer through cell repair and synthesis; Amino Acid Transporthelps transport amino acid that supports muscle growth; Immune System Enhancementboosts body’s natural defense against sickness and threat; Enzyme Activationspeeds up chemical reaction in the body for better health. 

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